Artento Divini & Radion6 – Belief
Release date: 2018-12-07With the end of 2018 almost upon us, two names who have impressively donned their Coldharbour cap in recent times find themselves in tandem for a big trance mover to fire up the winter dancefloors. It’s a welcome back to both Artento Divini and Radion6, as they combine for the always striving Belief.
Artento Divini reintroduced himself in fine fashion to Coldharbour audiences earlier in the year; following up on his remix of Nifra’s Edge of time with stunning original Mangrove. Radion6 has been a popular inclusion on Coldharbour since his Salvation piece, and continues to be a regular on Global DJ Broadcast playlists.
In Belief, the strengths of both combine – with Artento’s menacing tech-driven basslines weaving in between the soaring melodies one has come to expect from Radion6. It has been a valuable weapon for Markus Schulz since the summer festival season, and its appeal is set to spread further afield in the coming months. Belief is what is needed.