

Markus Schulz – Lisbon

Release date: 2021-10-08

When moving through the gears towards the tail end of his In Search of Sunrise 17 compilation entry, Markus Schulz found himself in production mode again; striving for the penultimate step in the journey. Concurrently, he found himself on a plane destined for Europe for the first time since the pandemic, touching down in Lisbon.

Primed with a sense of longing for connecting with his European audience again, and enduring a patient wait for that to become a reality, his thoughts are encompassed from plane ride to a stay in the Portuguese capital, prior to a rekindling with the Luminosity community.

Lisbon is a powerfully-charged piece, with a tremendous drive and build towards a poignant break. A brief moment of reflection follows, leading towards the desire of euphoria among dancefloor company. The penultimate step on In Search of Sunrise 17Lisbon proved to be a fruitful stop on the journey.